Friday, 25 January 2013

Risk assessment in liquid assets’ pricing

The agenda of a wide array of topics discussed in the World Economic Forum in Davos is an opportunity for political and industrial leaders to deliver messages to public about the good management practises and future expectations on resilient dynamism. However, despite a review of global development trends and panel discussions on human capital, leadership, energy, healthcare, technology, value chain and other topics, I would like to focus on risk management which is an integral part of financial stability and social-economic outlook.
The most recent subjects broadly discussed in financial stability context are the increase of the US debt ceiling and amendments of the Basel III. According to the Statement by the Press Secretary released on 18 January, 2013, Barack Obama, a president of the US, expressed an importance of the timely Congress decisions on payments of bills and committed to further deficit reduction in a balanced way. A failure of the US to pay its bills could lead to the national default and meltdown of the financial markets.

Similarly, loser liquidity risk management standards for financial sector those were agreed by the Basel Committee on 6 January, 2013, may cause underestimation of risks. A liquidity coverage ratio measures the requirements for sufficient High Quality Liquid Assets in comparison to the net cash outflows. The minimum LCR requirement for banks in 2015 is 60 percentages which is projected to increase till 100 percentages in 2019, id. est. banks should possess as much High Quality Liquid Assets as it needs to cover a total net cash outflows. Made amendments regarding the definition of HQLA and assets treated as cash outflows enabled banks to increase the numerator of the ratio and reduce the denominator which implies higher percentage of LCR. However, despite the changed requirements of what is allowed, could the Basel Committee publish the guidance of what is more favourable?

In both of these cases the market participants will have to reassess the value of liquid assets and management of liquidity risk. Moreover, assets pricing distortions due to high volatility may also cause difficulties in management of liquidity risks. Risk is a probability of  default. However, according to the Basel III, LCR is defined by the assets’ features to be sold quickly in the markets. In general, all publicly traded securities are liquid and risks arise due to the price they may be sold. The financial stability depends on whether sold assets produce gains or losses.
A distortion in prising is a risk itself. When assets pricing and future values are not clear risks could be hedged with derivative instruments. However, these deals also involve financial obligations, the transfer of money, the gains or losses according to the agreed conditions and markets’ circumstances.  

Thus, I would like to distinguish two drivers of the resilient dynamism: competence and power of negotiations. Both of them are equally important to succeed.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Could increased assets' value through currency devaluation lead to higher returns?

The goal to reverse prolonged deflation and yen appreciation is a declared focus of a newly appointed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. However, according to the minutes of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Committee published on January 3, 2013, several members expressed concerns that continuing purchase of mortgage backed securities ($40 billion per month) and purchase of long term Treasury securities ($45 billion per month) would contribute to the maximisation of employment and price stability. Consequently, the suggestions to slow down or stop the programme before the end of 2013 were discussed. Decisions on monetary policies are left to the discretions of the national central banks; however, the opposite policies may contradict the reliability of Japan-US alliance.
Shinzo Abe, the leader of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party, together with a new coalition Cabinet, formed on the 26th of December in 2012, committed to revive economy through bold monetary policy measures, flexible public funding policies and growth strategy which encourages private sector investment. The new government also promoted endeavors to accelerate the reconstruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake, restore national security as well as improve education and sustainable social security systems. However, despite the domestic interests, commercial concerns, as usual, go far beyond territorial influence.
According to the statistical data of Bank of Japan published on 10 December, 2012, Japan’s international investment in debt securities amounted 210,574 billion yen in 2011 which comprised 36 percentages of total invested international assets. The liabilities in international debt securities comprised 91,639 billion yen those made 29 percentages of total invested international liabilities in 2011. Thus, falling Japanese yen against major foreign exchange currencies may increase assets' value; however, the increase in incomes depends on the structure of foreign and domestic assets and liabilities.
Analysing direct international investment in 2011, the biggest amounts were allocated for wholesale and retail industry as well as finance and insurance industry. According to the statistics, 5,334 billion yen were invested in Central and South American finance and insurance industry; 4,796 billion yen were allocated in North American wholesale and retail industry and 4,700 billion yen in North American finance and insurance industry. The total amount of investment in European finance and insurance sector was 3,131 billion yen. Direct investment in Asian finance and insurance industry comprised 2,714 billion yen and 2,163 billion yen were allocated in Asian wholesale and retail sector. The other significant investments were made in chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry as well as electric machinery and transportation equipments based in US, China, and Europe in 2011. 3,208 billion yen were allocated in US, 2,236 billion yen were invested in Europe and 1,566 billion yen were spent in Asian chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry. Additionally, 2,557 billion yen were invested in Asian electric machinery and 2,810 billion yen were allocated in Asian transportation equipments sector. 1,933 billion yen were invested in North American electric machinery industry and 1,848 billion yen in North American transportation equipments. 1,659 billion yen were allocated in European electric machinery sector and 1,871 billion yen in European transportation equipments. Similarly to international portfolio investment, devaluated domestic currency may increase the value of assets; however, higher returns on direct international investments also depend on structure of incomes and costs.    

So, due to high international commercial relations it is difficult to measure benefits and loses of devaluation of domestic currency. Moreover, monetary policies may hardly replace structural reforms and aggressive economic growth may end with even higher debt obligations.