It could be mentioned that prominent features of June and the first part of July involved further easing of global monetary policies. According to the Monetary Policy Meeting held in June 15, Bank of Japan will encourage the uncollateralized overnight call rate at around 0 to 0.1 percent. The US Federal Open Market Committee decided to continue purchasing Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 6 years to 30 years at the current pace and to sell or redeem an equal amount of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of approximately 3 years or less. The news about the expended operational twist by $269 billion through 2012 was announced on 20 June. The key ECB interest rates were cut by 25 basis points to 0.75% on 5 July. Monetary Policy Committee of Bank of England decided to increase size of Asset Purchase Programme by £50 billion to £375 billion on 5 July. The People’s Bank of China decided to cut one year RMB benchmark deposit and loan rates by 0.25 and 0.31 percentage points to 3% and 6% respectively on 6 July.
Similar remarks could be addressed to the
quality of decisions in financial sector. Single supervisory mechanism for euro
area banks and the concept to recapitalize banks directly through the European
Stability Mechanism (ESM) may fail if banks’ business models are dysfunctional
and they cannot sustain financial shocks. Banks’ insolvency arose due to
inaccurate assets management and failed estimations. So, additional banks
capitalization and facilitated access to attractive borrowing costs will hardly
improve the assessment of viability of business plans/investment opportunities.
Moreover, could negative interest rates signal that liquidity is enough in the markets? Investors demand for credibility allowed Germany, Denmark, Finland, Belgium and France to borrow at negative interest rates. When investors chose sovereign bonds with negative interest rates they sink their savings. So, maybe liquidity is already enough and the main concern is to employ existing capital efficiently.